Jan 27, 2011

George Siemens new book, Knowing Knowledge


The aversion to openness

Boyle suggests that aversion to openness—to be disposed against the challenge of the unforeseen— is an actual cognitive bias that leads us to “undervalue the importance, viability and productive power of open systems, open networks and non-proprietary production.” To overcome this bias requires that knowledge producers (all of us involved in the practices of teaching, in whatever current institutional configuration) rethink every aspect (from economic theory to citation form) of what we think of as “knowledge production.”

Jan 25, 2011

The future of higher education: How technology will shape learning


Taking OER beyond the OER Community - Initiative Background

Taking OER beyond the OER Community - Initiative Background

UNESCO initiative to promote OER policies, workshops, manuals, etc.
Contains  several case studies from Africa. 
Contains the  document:
Download File
 which explains the concept, major OER initiatives in the world. Supports the PER as a new method for  learning.

e-learning outlook for 2011 - Tony Bates

e-learning outlook for 2011

The Future of Learning Report

Cathy Davidson and David Theo Goldberg focus on the potential for shared and interactivelearning made possible by the Internet.


Estandares UNESCO de competencia en TIC para docentes
